- The balance of the course fee is payable 10 weeks prior to the course start date. Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne reserves the right to treat a booking as canceled due to non-payment of the balance by the due date and, in that event, the deposit as already paid shall be forfeited in full and no refund of deposit shall be paid.
- In the event of a cancellation by or on behalf of a student, in writing, up to 10 weeks prior to the course start date, a full refund shall issue, minus an administration cost of €90. (The administration cost refers to processing of bookings, preparation of course, works carried out in course venue and delivery of course).
- An administration charge of €90 will apply to all cancellations processed.
- Course cancellations due to extraordinary events outside of the control of Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne, and/or on the advice of a third party, or advisory body will result in a refund of fees paid, minus an administration fee of €90.
- Students leaving a course early will not receive a refund of fees paid. This is due to the need to cover costs incurred. This can be discussed further through communications with management.
Fees paid for the course are broken down into college preparation costs that occur prior to course starting, and delivery costs.
Once a booking is made a portion of the fees paid are expended on the preparation costs by the college in planning the course, this is what the administration fee relates to, as mentioned in the cancellation policy above.
Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne hoodies can be purchased by students at a cost of €40.
Costing breakdown:
- Booking system fee: €4
- Course Preparation fee (administration fee) €90
- Course delivery fee: Varies per course
All course fees are based on current guidelines as issued by Roinn Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta as of 19/08/2024.
Polasaí maidir le cúrsa a chur ar ceal:
- Ní mór iarmhéid tháille an chúrsa a bheith díolta sé seachtaine sara dtosnaíonn an cúrsa. Mara ndíoltar an t-iarmhéid fén ndáta sin, tá sé de cheart ag Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne a dhearbhú go bhfuil an áirithint ar ceal, agus sa chás sin, caillfear an éarlais iomlán a díoladh.
- Sa chás go gcuirfidh mac léinn / nó duine ar bith thar ceann an mhic léinn, an cúrsa ar ceal, i scríbhinn, suas go dtí deich seachtaine sara dtosnaíonn an cúrsa, seolfar an éarlais iomlán thar n-ais, lúide táille riaracháin €90. Baineann an costas seo le riaradh ar áirithintí, ullmhú an chúrsa, obair ullmhúcháin in ionad an chúrsa agus soláthar an chúrsa)
- Leagfar costas riaracháin €90 ar gach cealú a chaithfear deighleáil leis.
- An té is túisce a chláraíonn a nglacfar leis ar an gcúrsa. Agus sa chás go gcuirtear cúrsa ar ceal glacfar leosan is luaithe a chláraigh. Cuirfear seo i bhfeidhm sa chás go n-éileodh go laghdófaí líon na rannpháirtithe ar chúrsa mar gheall ar shrianta uimhreacha.
- Má chuirtear cúrsa ar ceal mar ar chúinsí eile nach bhfuil smacht ag Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne orthu, nó/agus ar chomhairle an tríú páirtí nó údaráis, seolfar gach táille thar n-ais seachas an costas riaracháin €90.
I rith an chúrsa ba mhaith linn go mbeimis chomh cúramach is gur féidir ag smaoineamh ar dhaltaí eile ar an gcúrsa, ar na teaghlaigh go bhfuil scoláirí ag fanacht ina measc agus ar gach duine eile atá bainteach leis an gcúrsa agus iad sa cheantar.
Níl Covid -19 imithe mar sin is ceart dúinn a bheith cúramach i gcónaí.
Plean chun maireachtála le COVID-19 (citizensinformation.ie)
Seo a leanas na pointí is tábhachtaí dár gColáiste:
Rialacha Choláistí Chorca Dhuibhne i leith Covid-19
- Má bhíonn comharthaí Covid-19 ort, ba cheart duit tástáil a fháil.
- Má tá tástáil dhearfach ag mac léinn. Beidh ar dhalta dul abhaile go dtí go mbeadh na comharthaí sórt imithe uaidh/uaithi ar a laghad 48 uair a cloig.
- Beidh orainn síniú a fháil ó gach mac léinn agus ó thuismitheoir/chaomhnóir go bhfuil siad sásta leis na treoracha seo a leanúint.
Covid-19 Policy of Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne
As a college, we will comply with our Covid-19 policy and we will regularly carry out risk assessment on matters that are particularly relevant to Summer Colleges.
During the course, we would like to be as careful as possible, to think about other students on the course, the families that students are staying with, and for everyone else who is involved in the course while in the area.
Covid 19 is still present, therefore we will follow all Government guidelines.
Plan for living with COVID-19 (citizensinformation.ie)
The following are the most important points for our College:
Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne’s Rules for Covid-19
Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne’s Policy
- Each student will need to know how to take a Covid-19 test on themselves during the course.
- If you experience Covid-19 symptoms, you should get a test and self-isolate. Students will have to go home if they present with Covid 19 on a course.
- At present if a student has a positive test or symptoms, they will have to be collected by a parent/guardian on that day.
- If Bean/Fear a Tí test positive for Covid-19 all students in the house will have to go home on that day.
All students will be required to take the test under the direction of the staff of Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne.
Course Reimbursement Policy
Where a student must leave a course, or chooses to leave a course early, we are not obliged to give a refund of the course fee, or a partial refund of the course fee.
If Coláistí Chorca Dhuibhne are forced to send a pupil home due to the Bean / Fear a’ Tí contracting Covid-19, every effort will be made to facilitate the student on another course or a refund will be given based on the uncompleted remainder of the course.